Just give us a call or fill out the Free Trial form and we will call you back with suggestions! Since 2003 we devote much of our time to matching young students with the right teacher.
Our teachers are great at music instruction for any grade level. This includes preschool, elementary school, and high school.
We know all of our teachers very well since we interact with them extensively on a daily basis. We know their personality, strengths, weaknesses, and their teaching style. We regularly speak with all students and parents, so we have a good understanding of the type of students that best fit each teacher.
The overwhelming majority of music lessons websites that you find online are simply generic referral services. Such providers will usually write a compelling “sales pitch” for each of the music teachers posted on their website. However, as a parent, such descriptions will not help you at all, and may often be counterproductive. We used to publish our teachers’ detailed portfolios in the past, but we realized that students and parents would often tend to choose a teacher that may not be the best for their needs.
The reason is that a beautiful picture, a friendly smile, or a compelling bio – usually tells nothing about the teacher’s personality or compatibility with your child. Let us help you, so you get a better chance to find a teacher that can create an incredible experience for your child while learning to play an instrument or sing popular music.
More than 20 top local music teachers take part in the music program at the GoldPass Music! Naturally, they come from different backgrounds and have different areas of specialization. We receive dozens of applications from music teachers each month.
We screen, interview, audition, and train each one of our team members. We continuously speak to former and current students and parents, to make sure that all of our teachers keep the high standards that our teaching team is known for in the local community.
Yes. Many of our teachers are professional vocal coaches and are also teaching piano and/or guitar up to intermediate or advanced levels.
Sure. Our experienced music teachers are great at teaching how to play musical instruments. Moreover, at the same time, they will also teach your child music theory. Being able to read standard music notation can expand your child’s options and enjoyment.
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